
バラ園付 With a rose garden 猫家族用住宅案内 Guide to the family housing for cats (3)

A  2017 type residence completed at the end of last year.
There are two rooms, a large living room(two boxes are placed and each is used as a room) , a terrace deck, a balcony kitchen, and a guest room for a vagabond.
And beyond the wall that not be an obstacle to cats there is a rose garden. 猫にとって苦にならない壁の向こうには薔薇ゾノがある
 There are also ingenuity to see using the lattice  as planting so that the influence of Sigeru Ban, Kengo Kuma is also seen and 坂茂、隈研吾の影響もみられる佇まい it has a feeling of appearance.

 The cats mainly use daytime.
It is supposed to a building 猫さんたちの美意識涵養に役立つ建物であることが想定
that will contribute to cultivation of aesthetic sensibility of cats.

青空の妖精 blue sky sprites (6) 猫生を楽しむ In cat kind the life how to use.





太郎と次郎 Taro and Jiro 雀色どき Rosy sunlight stretches onto cats. (14) 指薔薇色の女神指す

後ろの正面だあれ?Who could she find just at the back of her?


Kagome, kagome
We see a little bird sitting in the cage
When does she escape from the cage?
In the dark sky of daybreak time
A crane and a tortoise both slipped and fell
Who could she find just at the back of her?

Fuku CM


Invisible stairs a kitten going up and down 見えない階段を上り下りする子猫 雀色どき Rosy sunlight stretches onto cats. (6) 指薔薇色の女神指す

Rosy-fingered Greek goddess holding cats in her arms. 
A kitten who is going up and down the invisible stairs. 

One blessed moist morning the weather is fine

One blessed moist morning when the blue is a deep
I met with a spotted cat "Kabosu".
Singing how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again

Blessed morning a kitten enjoying the springtime.

Young Siamie (New Mom) (10) 名主へのご挨拶Greeting for the first time to the headman

Mom Siamee introduced her son Higashikun to "Gohkun " as the headman of area.

Young Siamie (New Mom) (9)ヒガシくんの一人遊びThe kitten who was brought by Siamee enjoys on his own.

The kitten who was brought by Siamee enjoys on his own.

He was named "Higashikun" after a street name.


A welcomcat Kabosu & a backview redtabby named Jisan who is vagabond.

A welcome cat 招きボス Kabosu and a back view red tabby姿トラ ジイさんと名付。流 named "Jisan" who is vagabond.

Taro and Jiro's kitten Brothers 重力のお友達 who understand gravity.

All the natural movements of the soul are controlled by laws analogous to those of physical gravity. Grace is the only exception. 自然な動きすべて、物質おけ重力法則類似の法則支配されている。恩寵だけが、そこから除外される"Tous les mouvements naturels de l'âme sont régis par des lois analogues à celle de la pesanteur matérielle. La grâce seule fait exception." – Simone Weil (La pesanteur et la grâce).

The depth of the cat's family love 猫の家族の家族愛

Elder brother Higashikun who was born 10 months ago is watching from above the wall.上から見渡6ヶ月年長ヒガシくん。ママシャーミーの前ではしゃどもたち
Kittens(Beybee Fuku and his sibling) are playing in front of thier Mother Siamee.数日前兄弟の一人が行かモードの保護


ちょっとシャイなお日様 hazy weather in spring

花曇 hazy weather in spring.

Cat say "shy sun hello" to the sun. 
恥ずかしがり屋さん こんにちは」とご挨拶する猫。

懐かしいフィリップ Clos-St-Louis Fixin Burgundy France

He may not remember, but i took lunch with him at the restaurant  "Au Clos Napoleon" in May 1996.
clos st-louis 

Au Clos Napoleon


Sleeping cat 眠るホワイティ Tasty freedom

Sleeping cat Whitie who acquired freedom four months ago. 

写真には写らない美しさがあるからFor there is a beauty that does not appear in the photog...

nephew Jiro, Kabosu big bro and nephew Taro

For there is a beauty that does not appear in the photograph.

the sunset of mandarin.


Rameau Les sauvages - Grigory Sokolov

マンダリン色の春日(はるひ)For there is a beauty that does not appear in the photograph.

Kabosu big bro and nephew Taro

For there is a beauty that does not appear in the photograph.

the sunset of mandarin.

Any Day Now, いますぐにでも I Shall Be Released. 我れ解放されるべし

One day a kitty cat came from nowhere.
From that day on, the kitten has been chased by stray cats.
the place to hide himself is almost limited.
In such a tension days temporary freedom is coming.
and the kitty cat doing an appeale
as " I shall be released" 
using the whole his body .


猫も喜び庭駆け回るA kitten runs around the yard like YUKIYAKONKO's 雪やこんこ dog.

A kitten runs around the yard with wild abandon こび like YUKIYAKONKO's dog.

 I Shall Be Released !