
Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries 人生七色さくらんぼ

Life is just a bowl of cherries
Don't take it serious; it's so mysterious.
You work, you save, you worry so,
But you can't take your dough when you go, go, go
So keep repeating it's the berries,
The strongest oak must fall,
The sweet things in life, to you were just loaned
So how can you lose what you've never owned?
Life is just a bowl of cherries,
So live and laugh at it all.
Come on, live and laugh at it all...

Henderson & Brown

Carmen McRae - ALFIE アルフィー / 別れの確認 Confirmation of parting


Return of the lost kitten 子猫次郎の帰還

The kitten Jiro returned for the first time in twelve days. 十二日ぶりに次郎が帰ってきた。

32 It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found. (Luke 15:32 KJV)

My Favorite Things 衣更え seasonal change of clothing

Eco-friendly cap movement
 Japan Committee Vaccines for the World's Children  
Park Place Oita パークプレイス大分


Forever Young 永遠の一日 eternity and a day

Down the passage which we did not take
Towards the door we never opened
Into the rose-garden.  My words echo
Thus,  in your mind.
                              But to what purpose
Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves
I do not know.

               (T.S.Eliot "Burnt Norton" Four Quartets)

Nakasihma Street Cat Association (1) 中島街猫の会


Mr. Eto, Nakashima Street Cat Association (Oita) representative, said that his relationship with a cat began as he protected the kittens who had settled in the car bonnet three years ago. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRr30SAV6Y0)
There are 12 cats brought up from kittens in house. ボンネットに住み着いた子猫の保護から始まったという猫さんたちとの幸運な出会い。


NIRAMI (MIE) 睨み(見え) The cat gazes like Kabuki actors

The cat adopted a stationary pose and gazed like kabuki actors.

Keren: acting virtuosity aimed at effects of visual surprise


Midnight Cowboy 斑猫(はんびょう)とその家族 A cowcat and her family life.

The town basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and retort pouches. 
太陽の光と幾ばくかのパウチさえあれば 猫の都市生活や、まかなう。

