Jan.9 early morning - 猫ら近況報告 Recent situation of Anne and Duee's cats
I have decided to meet Anne in the northern block about three days ago. When I visited there, he had many friends. I have seen one aspect of a new Anne. In the Duee, even though I directed the camera to the baby kittens, they did not run away. It seems that the kittens are getting used to human beings gradually. (Jan.9, 2019 early morning) 三日ほど前からアンとは一つ北側の地区で会うことにしている。私が訪ねると彼はたくさんの友だちをもっていた。アンの新たな一面をみた。 デュエでは子供たちがカメラを向けても逃げなくなった。人間種族にも徐々に馴染んでいるようだ。
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