
【1min30】Jun 12, 2019 late afternoon ついてきた友人の子をまく赤毛猫のアン


A little kitten that came after a ginger cat is a child of Ginger's friend cat.
When I took the ginger "Red Ann" out for a walk, the kitten came along with us.
It was dangerous outside, so I stopped a walk, put the little back to its mother and escaped from the its chasing and we went out for a walk again.
(Jun 12, 2019 late afternoon)

茶トラのレッドアン を追いかけている子猫はアンのお友達猫の子供です。

Passage de la Duee 恵の抜け道


May 7, 2019 early morning - Gray cat Jasmine ジャスミンという名の猫


Grey cat Jasmine has been out of this afternoon(May 7) for about two days. 
I was getting close to the cats that I had been a little distance away as Anne’s friends.
(May 9, 2019 late at night)



【1min】Apr.29, 2019 morning 祝福の実をまとう恵の木々 To bear sweet fruits

This year too, the blessed trees have borne abondant sweet fruits.
(Apr.29, 2019 morning)



【1min】Cats are also concerned about Ichiro's retirement news. 猫たちもイチロー引退...

Cats are also concerned about Ichiro's retirement news.
(Mar.22, 2019 morning)



【1min】Mar.15, 2019 early morning マーガレット父母、レッドアン とその友だち

【1min】Mar.14, 2019 late afternoon - 孤独な銀トラ子猫 Silver Tabby Kitty Margaret


【1min】Mar.14, 2019 early morning 猫たちCats, Tom, Mach, Red Anne and Anne's...



【1min】Attempt to win the heart of a silver tabby サビ猫に手伝ってもらい銀トラの心を開く


I am trying to capture the heart of a kitty Margaret (a silver tabby) who is still unfamiliar to humans, with her sibling Jerry (a tortoiseshell) as a decoy.

(Feb.24, 2019 late afternoon)

姉妹ジェリー(サビ猫)をおとりにまだ人間に慣れていない子猫マーガレット(銀トラ)の 心を捉まえる。


キジ猫ふくと銀猫パラディ Fuku(a brown tabby) and Paradis( a silver)


The cat in the tuxedo in the monitor is Hachi, a friend of Paradis(Silver tabby) and Red Anne(a red tabby). 
(Feb.18, 2019 morning)


【1min】Feb.10, 2019 late afternoon


"Tom" was born from a black cat from the night of October 7th to 8th last year. 

As a result,  a red tabby "Red Anne" fled north from this area, and "Paradis (a silver tabby, their older sister)” was brought my house.

Tom's eyes were sealed with a lot of eye mucus at the end of last year.
When a caretaker gave him eye drops he stopped wary of humans from the next day. 

This is the video that captured the situation.
(Feb.10, 2019 late afternoon)

それが理由で茶トラのレッドアン はこの地から北へ一ブロック移動しパラディは私の家に連れ帰ることになりました。




Feb.10, 2019 late afternoon - Black Cat's Family 黒猫お母さんの家族

 "Tom" was born from a black cat from the night of October 7th to 8th last year. 

As a result,  a red tabby "Red Anne" fled north from this area, and "Paradis (a silver tabby, their older sister)” was brought my house.

Tom's eyes were sealed with a lot of eye mucus at the end of last year.
When a caretaker gave him eye drops he stopped wary of humans from the next day. 

This is the video that captured the situation.
(Feb.10, 2019 late afternoon)

それが理由で茶トラのレッドアン はこの地から北へ一ブロック移動しパラディは私の家に連れ帰ることになりました。




【5min】Walk with a red cat and to a nearby grove (4) 赤猫と森の散歩

赤猫と森の散歩 Walk with a red cat and to a nearby grove

Four children born between a black cat and a white-ginger cat Deginger grew smoothly, and a red cat withdrawing to one northern area started a new cat relationship, The daily routine of walking also increased to go to a big grove (Kasuga no Mori like Bois de Boulogne) nearby.
(Jan.24, 2019 late afternoon)



【1min】Walk with a red cat and to a nearby grove (1) 赤猫と森の散歩

赤猫と森の散歩 Walk with a red cat and to a nearby grove

Four children born between a black cat and a white-ginger cat Deginger grew smoothly, and a red cat withdrawing to one northern area started a new cat relationship, The daily routine of walking also increased to go to a big grove (Kasuga no Mori like Bois de Boulogne) nearby.
(Jan.24, 2019 late afternoon)


*赤猫と森の散歩 Walk with a red cat and to a nearby grove (2)
*赤猫と森の散歩Walk with a red cat and to a nearby grove (3)


Jan.20, 2019 early morning

【1min】Red cat walking in Bois de Kasuga around dawn 春日の森を明け方散歩する赤毛猫

Red Anne (Red tabby) which moved to one block north in this year. 
On the west side there is a Kasuga no Mori like Bois de Boulogne. I took him there for a walk this morning.
(Jan.19, 2019 early morning)



Red cat took me to his companions.  赤猫は仲間に私を紹介してくれた


Red Anne took me to his companion. 
The cats seemed to have already observed the contact between the red cat and me and they did not watch out as I approached.
(Jan.9, 2019 afternoon)

午後の散歩でレッドアン は私を仲間のところに案内してくれた。

Jan.9 early morning - 猫ら近況報告 Recent situation of Anne and Duee's cats

I have decided to meet Anne in the northern block about three days ago. When I visited there, he had many friends. I have seen one aspect of a new Anne.
In the Duee, even though I directed the camera to the baby kittens, they did not run away. It seems that the kittens are getting used to human beings gradually.
(Jan.9, 2019 early morning)
