i had been taught several places from stray cats 猫たちから教えられた住処
When i go looking for a kitty Hachi, i heard the kitten from the park i introduced the other day(Nov.24).
Apparently the kittens seem to be using the park well.
i had been taught several abodes from the stray cats that settled in Duee.
Lisa Spector & Joshua Leeds - Kinderszenen, Op.15 : I. Von fremden Lände...
Late afternoon the sky was colored with iridescent clouds.
(Nov. 28, 2017)
【1min】Pale moon changing colors, three kittens playing the game
Pale moon changing colors, three kittens playing the game
When the crescent was changing from white to yellow, in the parking place there was a kitty Hachi.
And soon Red Anne came over from the wall.
And finally a silver tabby Paradis came.
【1min】Kittens that were coming over along the road met a elder man. 子猫らは...
It was there was kittens coming over along the road and these kittens that was coming over along the road met a elder man named M. Sakuhin.
He led kittens to the playground. That playground was the place where the stray days’ kitten Whitie was playing a year ago.
(Nov.24, 2017)
In windless cold kittens were running 凍てつくなか走る子猫ら
Cold Sunday
The brief sun flames a frozen sky,
In windless cold kittens were running.
(Nov. 26, 2017 late afternoon)
Cloudy Sunday morning Kitty Hachi welcomed me in Duee子猫ハチが迎えてくれる
In lieu of TaroJiro brothers who went out on a trip, a young sister Paradis or her friend Hachi welcome me recently.
This cloudy morning the kitty Hachi welcomed me and the other cats gathered after that.
(Nov. 26, 2017)
Pale moon changing colors, three kittens playing the game 雀色どき遊ぶ子猫たち
A cat documentary No.10 being shot with two takes (Nov.25, 2017)
Pale moon changing colors, three kittens playing the game 雀色どき遊ぶ子猫たち
When the crescent was changing from white to yellow, in the parking place there was a kitty Hachi.
And soon Red Anne came over from the wall.
And finally a silver tabby Paradis came.
Debussy - Suite Bergamasque Claire De Lune 月の光
Late autumn, rain was drizzling down. (Nov.22, 2017) 晩秋、そぼ降る雨。
Late autumn, rain was drizzling down.
I walked down with an umbrella with a kitty “Hachi” so as to keep out the coldness.
Because of cold rain, a black cat "New Kuro-Okahsan" didn’t bring fishcake to the children.
Although I do not know the details, she had been chasing a half sister "Kabosu" last few days.
(Nov.22, 2017 morning ~ late afternoon)
Chopin Prelude Op.28-15 雨だれ Raindrop Prelude
Kittens that were coming over along the road met a elder man. 子猫は男と会った
It was there were kittens coming over along the road and these kittens that were coming over along the road met a elder man named M. Sakuhin.
He led kittens to the playground. That playground was the place where the stray days’ kitten Whitie was playing a year ago.
(Nov.24, 2017)
Four Episodes (Nov. 20, 2017) 四つのエピソード
This movie contains four episodes.
The first one is a scene where Paradis' mother appears in the place where a silver tabby “Paradis” and her friend “Hachi” are playing. Paradis is taking up a position between mother and Hachi to protect her friend from mother's attack.
The second is a scene where I escape together while protecting a cowcat “Kabos” which is a her half-sister chased by Paradis' mother.
The third one is a scene where another friend “Red Anne” and “Paradis” have supper.
The fourth one is a scene where we play a Hall-Game with Paradis, Red Anne and i.
(Nov. 20, 2017)
一つ目は パラディとハチワレ子猫のハチが遊んでいるところにパラディのお母さんが登場するシーンです。パラディは友達を母親の攻撃から守るために母親とハチの間に陣取っています。
二つ目は パラディのお母さんに追いかけられる異父姉妹カボスとそれを守り一緒に逃走するシーン。
三つ目は、 パラディのもう一人の友達 子猫レッドアンとパラディが夕食をとるシーン。
四つ目は パラディとレッドアンと私とで ホールゲームを楽しんでいるシーン。
Symphony No.6 Pastoral, 1st Mov. 四つのエピソード Four Episodes
This movie contains four episodes.
The first one is a scene where Paradis' mother appears in the place where a silver tabby “Paradis” and her friend “Hachi” are playing. Paradis is taking up a position between mother and Hachi to protect her friend from mother's attack.
The second is a scene where I escape together while protecting a cowcat “Kabos” which is a her half-sister chased by Paradis' mother.
The third one is a scene where another friend “Red Anne” and “Paradis” have supper.
The fourth one is a scene where we play a Hall-Game with Paradis, Red Anne and i.
(Nov. 20, 2017)
一つ目は パラディとハチワレ子猫のハチが遊んでいるところにパラディのお母さんが登場するシーンです。パラディは友達を母親の攻撃から守るために母親とハチの間に陣取っています。
二つ目は パラディのお母さんに追いかけられる異父姉妹カボスとそれを守り一緒に逃走するシーン。
三つ目は、 パラディのもう一人の友達 子猫レッドアンとパラディが夕食をとるシーン。
四つ目は パラディとレッドアンと私とで ホールゲームを楽しんでいるシーン。
Symphony No. 6, Pastoral, 1st Mov. Gentle Awakening. Feelings to Meet With The Field. Allegro Ma Non Troppo
Pasvaldidas Majaslapa Chamber Orchestra
Play with Cats on Sunday aftenoon Nov.19, 2017 猫とたわむる
i played with a kitty Paradis and a moocat Kabosu on Sunday afternoon.
日曜日 猫とたわむる
A cat documentary No.8 being shot with one take (Nov.19)Kitty climbing branchy trees
In the cat transportation system in Duee,
Cats run on the top of walls for horizontal movement and climb branchy trees for vertical movement.
Sunday morning (Nov. 19, 2017) Mather cat accepted a kitty, a friend of ...
Sunday morning i went to “Duee” and kitty Hachi (a mask and mantle) and Paradis (a silver taby) came out of the food house.
After that, New Kuro-Okahsan(a black) who is a mother of Paradis came but kitty Hachi does not flinch.
Apparently Mather accepted a kitty, a friend of Paradis (her daughter).
After that, New Kuro-Okahsan(a black) who is a mother of Paradis came but kitty Hachi does not flinch.
Apparently Mather accepted a kitty, a friend of Paradis (her daughter).
Nico's entrance in La Dolce Vita 苦々しくもニコニコな甘い生活
A lot of Fellini's works , but this is "outstanding" my favorite.
It is a movie that well describes contradictory emotions and circumstances that are unstable and comfortable.
フェリーニの作品 あまたあれぞ これを上げたい。
A cat documentary No.7 being shot with long take - "ontembaar(tomboy)"kittensいつのまにか少女は
They, "ontembaar(tomboy)" kittens, also become adults soon.
There is work left to do whether to put it to a foster child or to become an area cat.
In any case, they learn how to get along with humans.
Kittens pursue their pattern as before (Nov. 16, 2017 late afternoon)
Garlic and sapphires in the mud
Clot the bedded axle-tree.
The trilling wire in the blood
Sings below inveterate scars
Appeasing long forgotten wars.
The dance along the artery
The circulation of the lymph
Are figured in the drift of stars
Ascend to summer in the tree
We move above the moving tree
In light upon the figured leaf
And hear upon the sodden floor
Below, the boarhound and the boar
Pursue their pattern as before
But reconciled among the stars.
(T.S.Eliot’s “Four Quartets”)
A cat documentary No.5 being shot with two takes(cats move only in time)
Cats move only in time.
Only by the form, the pattern,
Can cats reach the stillness.
Words move, music moves
Only in time ~
Only by the form, the pattern,
Can words or music reach
The stillness, ~
"Four Qurtets by T.S.Eliot"
Jean-Marie Straub | Où en êtes-vous ?
If there is a work that is valuable to what I am seeing rather than what I have seen, I think that their work is that. Like listening to music.
It was Paris that I met their work. I was invited by a student 's villa in the Latin Quarter. The fact that Kafka was the theme was an incentive.
ストローブ=ユイレの軌跡 1962-2014第1部:ストローブ=ユイレの時代Rétrospective Straub-Huillet 1962-2014
Francesca da Rimini パオロとフランチェスカ love story ある猫の愛の物語
In Duee an old cat of long hair called "Gohkun" was reigning.
A cat called "Aichan" appeared there.
There was a violent cat who threatened the rule of the old guy.
Aichan was always frightened by the rough without mind about Gohkun.
One day Aichan noticed that the ruffian was
afraid of the Gohkun and decided to make it a strategy of its own security.
Aichan had never left the side of Gokkun.
Meanwhile, Aichan's Love is a pheasant cat that appeared.
The cat appeared newly and it was the lowest position and tends to hold back.
There was nothing to get stayed there only at the time of meals to arrive.
Aichan came into close contact with her like that.
"Aichan' Love" got to relax her guard to him and the two gradually increased the time to cuddle.
It was one such day, the cat of ruffian appeared.
On that day Gohkun did not come and Aichan was driven down by the rough.
It was "Aichan's Love" who saved such a pinch of desperate situation.
The discreet Aichan's Love cut off the rough.Too much momentum went out of the violent, and Aichan did not get hurt.
Then they cuddled like Les Amants and got to live in this area with protection of Gohkun.
It was several months until Aichan died two years ago.
This movie includes Aichan, Aichan’s Love, and calm days of Gohkun at that time.
A few days before Ai died.
In addition, this video contains an early childhood episode of a kitten named "Higachikun".
Kitty Higashikun was born between Siamie and the rough. Siamie gave weight to Gohkun and introduced her child to him and left in humans, leaving this land for the preparation of a new child's birth.
Aichan and Aican's Love were the ones who looked after a kitten Higashikun who was a child of the violent cat even though being a child of Siamie.
And also later it turned out that the new life was a Aichan’s child, but as it is also the next story I want to finish this story for now.
i touched a cat "Aichan's Love" first time yesterday 彼女を初めて触った
i touched a tabby cat "Aichan's Love" first time yesterday.
And i touched her somewhat roughly.
I caught her in a hurry and brought her to the hospital because she was run over by an electric car having no sound.
It was a cat not allowing humans approach within 10 cm.
Tow years ago her love who had been letting her to rest in this area had disappeared.
That cat's name was Aichan. That's why she was still called Aichan's Love.
There is much pleasure in supporting cats.
But sorrow is accompanied by it.
(Nov, 14, 2017)
A cat documentary No.4 being shot with two takes (infinite hope 失われない希望)
A cat documentary No.4 being shot with two takes (infinite hope)
Nov. 13, 2017 失われない希望
Although it is a "Duee" grove that lost a corner of the grove, the kittens do not seem to lose the hope of climbing to the sky.
There was a kitty Hachi that ran away from shrubs to tall trees.
Actually there was a sad accident. Mother cats living with kittens lost a kitten.
The sight of adult cats remained in the impression while sending a kitty.
Sunday in the PSGE with Cats, i played a game with kittens.
Sunday in the PSGE with Cats, i played a game with kittens.
Early morning ,
there isn't a single cloud in Deep blue.
It pours light, such as the gold dust.
i went to the "Passage de la Duee"
After the adults' team who are busy with raising children fihised eating, a child's team appeared.
With a little mieal, they started games at once.
(Nov. 12, 2017 morning ~ late morning)
Fabric of cat relationships 猫模様(24)Playing a Hole Game with kittens.子猫たち...
It seems that the construction has ended and the leisure land plan for cats began.
Today I played a Hole Game using a peephole with kittens.
Soon afterwords they started hide-and-seek in the left grove.
(Nov. 11, 2017 late afternoon)
Black cat played "ET phone home" or "Creazione di Adamo". 黒猫とETを演じて見た
Black cat played "ET phone home" or "Adamo".
During the day construction work is noisy continuously.
Cats are restless.
In such a situation I played "ET"or" Creazione di Adamo" with a black cat.
(Nov. 11, 2017 morning)
そんな中 ET 家に電話したい を演じて見た。あるいは アダムと神さま
Construction site became kittens playground (Nov. 10, 2017 late afternoon)
As construction work is over, kittens are gathered.
the construction site also become their playground.
The cat transportation system is also showing its best.
Scene from "Taste of Cherry"
I recalled the taste of petites madeleine seeing after this movie.
Kittens are diligent in attending to their duty of child-alliance.子猫同盟に怠りなし
Azure sky.
Demolition work proceeds.
Adult cat relaxes.
Kittens are diligent in attending to their duty of child-alliance.
(Nov. 10, 2017)
A cat documentary No.3 being shot with one take.猫ドキュメント、ワンテイク
A cat documentary No.3 being shot with one take.
As evening approached, I was visiting the kittens.
They form an alliance to share one food and protect each other.
I call them a Chikuwa alliance or Chikuwa no tomo ( Chiku”ba”-no-tomo means Huckleberry friends and Chiku”wa” is a tube-shaped fish cake), because what binds me and them is a japanese fish cake Chikuwa.
They also shared the food with each other today, running around vigorously at the site of their former playground where humans have destroyed.
(Nov. 9, 2017)
In Okunohosomichi area a tabbywhitecatTorajiro respond to me (Nov. 7, 2017)
At the storefront of fish around Okunohosomichi I called out to a tabby and white cat named Torajiro.
He answered to my calling for the first time today,
althogh it may be because he was close to the black boots man.
(Nov. 7, 2017)
Cat documentary No.2 being shot with two takes
A cat documentary No.2 being shot with two takes.
A video taken of behaviors of cats who used the "traffic artery" following yesterday's shooting.
Today it was raining. The earth was moist. Even so, they (three kittens) enjoyed the game using the wall holes. (Nov. 8, 2017)
Cat documentary being shot with a Long take 猫ドキュメント長回し
A cat documentary No.1 being shot with a long take.
There is a "cat" traffic artery in Duee.
From a few days ago I have atetempted to describe vividly the transportation system (consisting) of walls.
Today I shot a "Long Take" video of cats (three kittens and a black cat) running one after another.
(Nov. 7, 2017)
A cat transportation system consisting of walls.(Nov. 6, 2017)
i attempted to describe vividly a cat transportation system consisting of walls.(Nov. 6, 2017)
The Singing Cowboys - Rawhide - casting from Kasugamachi Cat Union
Cats run freely on the top road of walls that is a cat transportation system like a highway.
Cats run freely on the top road of walls. 猫の交通システム(Nov. 4, 2017)
Cats run freely on the top road of walls that is a cat transportation system like a highway.
A mask and mantle kitten Hachi waiting for my return.スーパーからの帰りを待つ子猫ハチ
Mother cat during child rearing brings fish cake to children as baby food.
Therefore the fish cake I give to Hachi had run out of.
I went to a nearby supermarket to buy a pack of fish cake.
A mask and mantle Hachi waiting for my return.
Red Anne(a red tabby) seems to have been waiting for me with him.
(Nov. 5, 2017)
A mask and mantle kitten Hachi waiting for my return.スーパーからの帰りを待つ子猫
Mother cat during child rearing brings fish cake to children as baby food.
Therefore the fish cake I give to Hachi had run out of.
I went to a nearby supermarket to buy a pack of fish cake.
A mask and mantle Hachi waiting for my return.
Red Anne(a red tabby) seems to have been waiting for me with him.
(Nov. 5, 2017)
A glad autmun morning Black cat brought her children 錦秋の秋、黒猫の親子
A gold autumn morning Mom cat "Kuro-Okahsan" brought her children.
Funny somewhat is the sight that kitty Hachi was looking at the children and its mother "New Kuro-Okahsan" chasing after that mask and mantle kitten on a daily basis. (Nov. 3, 2017 )
Dove named Aichan, crow Karkun and cats to coexist in Duee 共生する(Nov. 2, 2017)
Dove named Aichan, crow Karkun and cats to coexist in Duee
One day a pigeon made its eyes worse.
A elder lady at a pharmacy gave eye drops to the dove.
The next day he is comfortable and the dove lives in this neighborhood.
Crow's Karkun sometimes eats breakfast with cats.
that is also reasons, they seems to live symbiotically.
*道守大分会議 総会(意見交換会)&別大国道一斉清掃
Kitty Red Anne ate food in public for the first time. 初めて人前でフードを食べるレッドアン...
Kitty Red Anne (a red tabby) who was eating food while being watched over by huckleberry friends Hachi (Mask and Mantle) and Paradis( a silver tabby).
Red Anne ever only eaten snacks in front of me.
Today he ate food in public for the first time.
Fabric of cat relationships 猫模様(22) H.alliance was still-strong today.
Huckleberry alliance was still strong today. (同盟は今日も強かった。)
I tried speaking to a gray heron.
One more, the reaction of the heron was dull.
In Duee,
Also today Hucleberry friends are very close and the alliance was very robust.
I tried speaking to a gray heron.
One more, the reaction of the heron was dull.
In Duee,
Also today Hucleberry friends are very close and the alliance was very robust.
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