
Two cats keeping a certain distance with Deginger on Roof. 屋根の上の二人。銀の猫と赤毛猫


The place where Our "Ulysses"Red Anne waits first after leaving the shelter is the garden behind the fence.
As time advances, the waiting place moves to Duee.
If here I pick up him, it is the park in front of the house where the red cat heads next.
When entering the park he will perform marking rituals but today I will show you that scene is being filmed.

Well, Our "Penelope" Paradis welcoming Anne who arrived in Duee as usual. On the other hand, "like Circe" Black mother who was slightly monitoring trend.

By the time the red cat finished eating, a dangerous Deginger came to take a meal too.
The dangerous cat and Reddish Ulysses Anne who glared each other.
Finally it ends with the shooting scenes of two cats(Ulysses "Anne" and Penelope "Paradis") trying to keep a certain distance with Deginger on the wave roof.
(Aug.11, 2018 late afternoon)


さて、いつものようにデュエに着いたアンを歓迎するのは我らがペネロペ、銀トラのパラディ。一方若干監視気味のキルケー よろしく黒お母さんであった

お互いに睨み合うデジンジャーとレッドアン 。最後は屋根の上でデジンジャーと一定の距離を保とうとする二人の撮影シーンで終わる。

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